Friday, 27 September 2024

Discontinuation of Oanda's OrderBook and PositionBook Endpoints via the V20 Framework

Longtime readers of this blog are almost certainly aware that over the last few years I have posted several times about Oanda's OrderBook and PositionBook data and what can be done with it. My first post was back in February 2022 where I posited the idea of using this data as a sentiment indicator, whilst my most recent post, March 2024, talked about substituting the data into standard, volume based indicators. In between these two dates I blogged about using the data as features for machine learning (here and here), different methods of plotting it (here with example trade and here) and an improved, associated optimisation method here.

Researching and posting about this has been interesting and I was quietly confident that there was some real value to be found doing this. However, I have recently been unpleasantly surprised and disappointed to learn (by way of my API cronjob downloading routines suddenly failing) that Oanda has decided to no longer make available the ability to download this data via their V20 API Framework. So, at a stroke, all of the above work has suddenly become redundant and effectively useless for back testing purposes or for future trading purposes. 

Did I say I was disappointed? Well, that understates it somewhat! I have written to Oanda to express my displeasure at this recent change and perhaps, fingers crossed, they will reinstate this V20 functionality.


Anonymous said...

I sent them an email and expressed the same. I was told this was a business decision, and I dont think they will bring it back.

Chris said...

I too was relying on these endpoints. Have you had any luck finding out if it’s coming back? I was able to trial their Oanda Data services which i was able to use the endpoints again but Oanda wants $1850 per month for it and is on a 12 month contract ($22K)…

ali askar said...

Oanda japan has released the new api which has the data
otherwise you can always reach out to me on linkedin (shared link above) i can give u access to the data we collect

Dekalog said...

Hi Chris,
I also signed up for the trial but the API key they gave me didn't allow me to download these endpoints. I didn't follow this up because there is no way I'm going to pay $22,500 a year for access to this data, so it was more out of curiosity than anything else.

Chris said...

Hi Ali, so are you able to use the new endpoints for the order book and position book from Oanda using a API?

Chris said...

Hi Ali, so are you able to use the new endpoints for the order book and position book from Oanda using a API?