The main change is to replace the use of the Octave barh function with the fill function. A minimal working example of this plotting is given in the code box below.
## get price data of *_ohlc_10m
unix_command = [ "wc" , " " , "-l" , " " , [ price_name , '_ohlc_10m' ] ] ;
## the 'wc' with '-l' flag command counts the number of lines in [ price_name , '_ohlc_20m' ] }
[ ~ , system_out ] = system( unix_command ) ;
cstr = strsplit( system_out , " " ) ;
lines_in_file = str2double( cstr( 1 , 1 ) ) ;
## read *_ohlc_10m file
price_data = dlmread( [ price_name , '_ohlc_10m' ] , ',' , [ lines_in_file - n_bars , 0 , lines_in_file , 21 ] ) ;
open = price_data(:,18) ; high = price_data(:,19) ; low = price_data(:,20) ; close = price_data(:,21) ; vol = price_data(:,22) ;
high_round = floor( high ./ tick_size .+ 0.5 ) .* tick_size ;
low_round = floor( low ./ tick_size .+ 0.5 ) .* tick_size ;
max_tick_range = max( high_round .- low_round ) / tick_size ;
## create y and x axes for chart
y_max = max( high_round ) + max_tick_range * tick_size ;
y_min = min( low_round ) - max_tick_range * tick_size ;
y_ax = ( y_min : tick_size : y_max )' ;
end_x_ax_freespace = 5 ;
all_vp = zeros( 3 , numel( y_ax ) ) ;
all_vp( 1 , : ) = pcolor_background( y_ax , high(1:50) , low(1:50) , vol(1:50) , tick_size ) ;
all_vp( 2 , : ) = pcolor_background( y_ax , high(51:100) , low(51:100) , vol(51:100) , tick_size ) ;
all_vp( 3 , : ) = pcolor_background( y_ax , high(100:150) , low(100:150) , vol(100:150) , tick_size ) ;
vp_z = repmat( sum( all_vp , 1 ) , numel( high ) + end_x_ax_freespace , 1 ) ;
x_ax = ( 1 : 1 : numel( open ) + end_x_ax_freespace )' ;
colormap( 'viridis' ) ; figure( 20 ) ; pcolor( x_ax , y_ax , vp_z' ) ; shading interp ; axis tight ;
## plot the individual volume profiles
hold on ;
scale_factor = 0.18 ;
fill( all_vp( 1 , : ) .* scale_factor , y_ax' , [99;99;99]./255 ) ;
fill( all_vp( 2 , : ) .* scale_factor .+ 50 , y_ax' , [99;99;99]./255 ) ;
fill( all_vp( 3 , : ) .* scale_factor .+ 100 , y_ax' , [99;99;99]./255 ) ;
## plot candlesticks
candle_mp( high , low , close , open ) ;
hold off;
I hope readers find this new way of plotting profile charts useful - I certainly am pretty pleased with it.
Awesome post, I was hoping you at some point of time pick up a topic on sequential change point detection model by Ziemba, Zhithlukin et all, utility a good trend following system. I recreated most of their paper but stuck at the final point.
ReplyDeleteI have not been able to locate the paper you reference online. Can you supply a link?